

Male holding wrist in pain

5 things you may be doing wrong with household first aid

By | health

Everybody has their go-to first aid remedies. Things like gargling salt water for a sore throat, or inhaling steam to relieve congestion are fairly commonplace. What most don’t realize is that some of those old remedies do more harm than good! Here are 5 things that you didn’t know you were getting wrong: Apply first aid ointment to a cut…

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doctor giving flu sot

2017 Flu Shot Facts

By | health

Flu season…it’s the least wonderful time of the year. Between stuffy noses, aches, and nausea, we’d all rather skip it, but every year it insists on turning up again. Luckily, you don’t have to fall victim to this nasty virus if you make sure to get your family to an urgent care for a quick and easy vaccination! Check out…

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man sneezing

Why sneezing is vital to your health

By | health

Sneezing is a natural occurrence that we’ve all experienced many, many times. Sometimes, it just feels great to sneeze. But did you know it’s also good for you? Sneezing plays a really important role in your immune system by protecting your body from infections and other antibodies that are trying to get in. What do you need to know about…

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colorful "April Fools Day" text

April fools safety

By | health

Every year on April 1 people gather all of their clever practical jokes and aim them towards the ones they love. This is not only acceptable, its appreciated. While its supposed to be all fun and games there is always the April fools prank that goes horribly wrong.  Last year there was a giant spike in emergency room visits on April…

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"What Happens during an asthma attack?" against image of child holding chest

What happens during an asthma attack?

By | health

It’s happening again. Your coughing won’t stop. You can’t talk, and your breathing is getting more rapid by the minute. You could be having an asthma attack. Asthma attacks are a sudden burst of severe asthma symptoms, which happen when the muscles around your bronchospasm, or airways, tighten up. When you have an asthma attack, the lining of your airways…

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Infectious Mononucleosis Infographic

The Kissing Disease: Avoiding Mono on Valentine’s Day

By | health

We’ve all heard of the “kissing disease,” also known as mono. Mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which actually infects almost everyone by the time they are 40 years old. Usually, though, it does not make you sick. When it does, it comes in the form of mono. Once you get mono, you have the virus inside of you…

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"Foods that Lower High Blood Pressure" against food background

10 foods that reduce high blood pressure

By | health

High blood pressure is a condition that, if left untreated, can cause serious health problems and even death. The American Heart Association calls it the “silent killer” because it often comes with no symptoms. High blood pressure can cause the following health problems: Damage to the heart and coronary arteries, including heart attack, heart disease, congestive heart failure, aortic dissection…

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"Whats Causing My Headache?" infographic

5 most common causes of headaches

By | health

Headaches are a common and bothersome ailment for millions of people around the world. Although most of them are not the root of a serious or life-threatening illness, there are some that require emergency care and can be life-threatening. What different types of headaches exist?   Fun fact: There are more than 150 types of headaches in humans. Wow! Here…

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man slouching on chair

Bad posture and how to fix it

By | health

Standing tall is a great way to show your confidence, but it’s an even better way to improve your posture and overall health. The effects of bad posture can be painful and long-lasting. That’s why it’s so important to understand good posture and the importance of correct alignment. What is posture? Posture is defined as the way your muscles and…

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high blood pressure thermometer

All About High Blood Pressure

By | Blog, health

High blood pressure is known as the silent killer, because you may have it at this very moment and never even know it. It can lead to a lengthy list of deadly diseases and illnesses if left untreated, but high blood pressure itself is pretty much a “symptomless” disease. So, just how important are those two little numbers that measure…

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