
skin conditions

bruise stages and colors

Why do you get bruises?

By | skin conditions

Bruises are very common and can be subtle (you don’t know it’s there until you touch the sore spot) or very visible. Bruises are skin injuries that discolor the surface of your skin. It happens because blood from blood cells that are hurt by impact collects around your skin’s surface, making your soft skin a little (or a lot) black…

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Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac plants

Poison Ivy and Other Plants to Avoid This Summer

By | skin conditions

Does your skin crawl a little just hearing the words poison ivy, poison sumac, or poison oak? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. These three itchy plants are definitely the trio to avoid this summer. An estimated 40 million Americans go to the doctor every summer to be treated for brushes with one of these plants. Even if you’ve never gotten…

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